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Saturday 24 November 2018

Random Thought 2.0

hi almost few months I'm not shares my story in here just like a puisi I posted in few days back than. so I think today I wanna share what I think today. Its about relationships, feelings, friendships and many more. so before that I know that this blog is not a famous blog so I hope that if anyone read this, thank you and if you hate the sharing please click the red button up there. yup its cliche but thats true so yeah lets start 
I just want to share my opinion. Everyone have their own opinions so I am. First, I realized that when we crush on someone, just let it be. feelings is fitrah. so, if you liked someone just let it be but don't let yourself being obsessed with something likes a singer, kpop and so on. that just an example. Another example, me lah. I liked someone because of his personality because of his soft spoken but I remind myself not to so obsessed with him like always talk about him every day, every time, every seconds with my friends or in media social. just like only you know that and its fitrah. so, just chill and let it be. time by time, I am very sure that feelings are gone automatically. I just dont like people who too obsessed with their loved like every seconds they posted their boyf in social media, even they wear niqab Lillahi. I turn off 100%. not because Im perfect to said like that, just because when you cover your aurah properly, please cover your attitude properly too. In Islam, there's no 'couple Islamic' so dont use that title to halalkan your relationship macam indah belaka orang tengok haaa ingat orang tak muak ke? please. Thats why people always talked about generation z, about their attitudes especially. aku wakil dari generasi ni tersangat malu. sebab apa? what they said are very true and proven. so, why don't if you change your attitude so that people outside there can respect us can talk about us nicely right? 

Second, sometimes I curious why men outside there always think that women labeled them as pervert or trash? trash are true lah sometimes because most of the boys I met all are trash like seriously trash. but if pervert, I dont think so. yah sometimes yes but not everyone. okay let me explain. In Islam, jaga batas tu wajib right? so if we naik bas, and ada kerusi kosong sebelah lelaki, kami tak duduk situ just not because we thought you're pervert but we scared  our batas. memang kalau tersentuh, tak ada masalah, but if have another choices like duduk kerusi kosong yang lain or berdiri, we MUST take that choice. if terdesak, macam bas tu memang terlalu padat manusia lepastu kau nak nafas pun tak boleh macam nak mati dan last choice kau duduk sebelah lelaki so, you must sit besides him. simple like that lah bruh. Jangan fikiran terlalu kolot terlalu keji sangat. like semua perempuan ni cop kau pervert. but if you still said like that, I think you're truly pervert? may be. Jangan terlalu downgrade orang if tak tahu the reasons why.

I don't want to talk about friendship because I think its very privacy and its very serious part so I'm scared that someone will terasa hati or whatever so yah just this for today. have a great weekend see yaa. bye. 

Thursday 22 November 2018

missing me

its come to my mind 
I never asked it
crying because I miss
I not asked it
never asked
but they come suddenly
I miss them.
they gone sometimes
if come, it were too hurt 
nobody know it
how it feels
only me know it
I miss to laugh
I miss my old me
I miss them
I miss the memories
not them
